Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Saturday

So I sit in the Newborn nursery here at Hermann waiting to checkout my patients so that I can go home post-call and get some sleep. Call wasn't too bad. I went to sleep at midnight and the pager stayed quiet until 3:30-4:00 (I can't really remember now).

Anyway, I stood up for myself yesterday in a fashion that I rarely use. Someone said, "G--D-----". I said to this individual, " God doesn't damn anyone. In fact, today is the day he chose to save us." (It was Good Friday yesterday, the day Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus.)

I REALLY hate that cuss word (I'm sorry to admit that I am more tolerant of others--sorry Mom); because I truly believe that God doesn't damn anyone. He desires that we all be saved (See John 3:17). We make choices, and ultimately those choices may lead us to an eternal damnation, but God isn't responsible, and He's given us salvation and redemption through His son, Jesus.

As we celebrate this Easter weekend, I hope that you are able to spend it with family and/or friends. If you can't make it to family, call them and tell them you love them and wish you were there. Remember the death and resurrection of Christ in a way that's meaningful to you.

Pray for a tired Intern who is 75 days away from being an Upper Level Resident and will soon have a brand new doctor (aka me 295 days ago) under their tutelage.

Also, if any of the above doesn't make sense, or if I repeat myself, remember, I'm 30 hours without meaningful sleep.

Happy Easter

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